Secret #003 || Clean Face |Isabel Fay Rose Hip Seed Cleanser

8:27 PM 0 Comments A+ a-

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I am really young; I always enjoy finding products that will clean my skin and exfoliate it –I suffer from acne bumps all over my face and neck, and this does a good job at keeping it at bay. This product really helps get rid of any type of acne that I suffer from.

This cleanser is important to my daily facial care routine, along with Isabel Fay’s other products. This whole line has made my daily facial care easier for me day by day. I love that this product is organic and not tested on animals.

I use this product twice a day. Once in the morning, and once at night. After that, I follow up with a toner and moisturizer. Upon applying this, I start on a wet face, but I’m pretty sure it’ll work the same on a dry one. I start to move my hand in circular motions, to really make sure that the cleanser gets deep into my skin and pores. After that, I rinse my face off and apply my toner and moisturizer. I really love this product and all it does.

I received this product at a discounted price in exchange for my completely honest and unbiased review.

This is a secret that I'm releasing.